2023.10.16 Notice Concerning Revision of Dividend Forecast (Increase of Interim Dividend and Distribution of Commemorative Dividends for the 40th Anniversary of Share Listing and 70th Anniversary of Foundation)
2023.10.16 Notice Concerning Setting of Record Date for Convocation of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, Convening of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Partial Change of Articles of Incorporation
2023.10.16 Notice of Execution of Definitive Agreement for Management Integration between Ryoyo Electro Corporation and Ryosan Company, Limited through the Establishment of a Joint Holding Company (Share Transfer)
2023.09.04 Notice of Basic Agreement on Establishment of Joint Venture with IAT Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.
2023.09.04 【Supplementary Material】Notice on Basic Agreement to Establish a JV with IAT Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.