Website Terms of Use

Please be aware that by accessing and reading the SAXIS website you agree to be bound by the following terms of use and related laws and regulations.

Scope of Usage

Unless otherwise established, SAXIS and affiliated companies own all information published on this websites, and the rights to publish the information.
You may freely view the content (images, audio and text etc.), but you are not permitted to use the content by any method, or for any purpose (including duplication, distribution, modification, public transmission, reuse, or transfer etc.) without the prior written consent of SAXIS. Please note that using the content of this website without the consent of SAXIS may constitute breach of the Copyright Act and the Trademark Act, or infringement of portrait or privacy rights. However, some of the content may be downloaded for personal, non-profit or household use. SAXIS does not guarantee that your use of the content does not infringe the rights of a third party in such cases.

Use of Trademarks

All names, trademarks, logo marks etc. published on this website are the property of SAXIS or its affiliated companies, or used under license. Their availability on this website does not grant you license to use trademarks etc. Unless you have prior written consent from SAXIS or the licenser (in cases where SAXIS has a license to post information), or unless usage is clearly permitted by these Terms of Use, unauthorized use of trademarks and other content posted on this website is strictly prohibited.

Guarantee of Content

We strive to ensure that the content of this website, including forward-looking statements, is accurate and up to date, but we do not guarantee its completeness, and SAXIS will assume no responsibility whatsoever for misstatements or non-posting of content. In particular, forward-looking statements may vary substantially from actual results for a number of reasons.